Two tracks:Pediatric DyslexiaAdult AAC.6 ASHA CEUs
Original research for UNH students/faculty will be presented.
Donated materials from top-name vendors with be given away and raffled.FREE lanyards with the NEW NHSLHA logo will be given away!Breakfast, lunch and beverages will be included.
Discounted admission for NHSLHA Members and members of other New England Associations! To register click here. Then, click the "New England Association Member - Spring 2019 Conference" option if you are a member of MSHA and click either the medical or educational track.
To learn more click the following link: NHSLHA Spring Conference Flyer 2019_.pdf
The Massachusetts Speech-Language-Hearing Association will be recognized as an authority and resource in the fields of Audiology and Speech-Language Pathology by legislative bodies, related professional associations and consumers.
© Massachusetts Speech-Language Hearing Association
Massachusetts Speech-Language Hearing Association 60 Hickory Dr, Suite 6100, Waltham, MA