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volunteer Executive Council

President: Dayna Fisk, MS, CCC-SLP

B.A. in Communication Disorders, UMass Amherst, 2014
M.S. in Speech-Language Pathology, Northeastern University, 2016

Current Employment

Boston Public Schools

MSHA Service History
  • President Elect 2024
  • VP Communications, 2022 - 2023

What does the President do?

Presides over all business of the Association. Appoints persons to the positions in ASHA's State-Based Advocacy Networks (SEAL, STAR, StAMP) and the Appointed Positions to MSHA's Executive Council. Sets the agenda and presides over meetings of the Association. Acts as liaison between MSHA, ASHA, and other professional/governmental organizations. Prepares the annual budget for vote by other members of the Executive Council. Works with the Vice President of Advocacy to oversee the work of MSHA's lobbyist. Interfaces with and negotiates the annual contract with MSHA's management association. Communicates/works with other state speech language hearing association presidents via CSAP.  Filters communications to MSHA to the most relevant Executive Council member for a response.

President Elect: Jenn Mackey, SLPD, CCC-SLP


B.A. in Communication Sciences and Disorders, University of Vermont
M.A. in Communicative Disorders, San Diego State University

SLPD MGH Institute of Health Professions, 2023

Certificate in Teaching and Learning, MGH Institute of Health Professions

Current Employment

Assistant Professor, Director of Clinical Education, MGH Institute of Health Professions

MSHA Service History
  • Vice President of Advocacy 2024

What does the President Elect do?
Assumes the duties and responsibilities of the President in his/her/their absence. Assumes any other duties and powers designated by the Executive Council or the President. Serves as Chair of the Nominating Committee to prepare each year's Executive Council elections. Serves as an advisor to the President.

Immediate Past President: Robert Melchionna, MS, CCC-SLP, BCS-S

B.A. in Psychology, College of the Holy Cross, 1992
M.S. in Communication Disorders, Emerson College, 1997

Current Employment

Cape Cod Hospital, Hyannis, MA

MSHA Service History
  • President 2024
  • President- Elect, 2023
  • Immediate Past President, 2020
  • President, 2018 - 2019
  • VP of Clinical Practice, 2016 - 2028

What does the Immediate Past-President do?

Assumes the duties and responsibilities of the President in his/her/their absence. Assumes any other duties and powers designated by the Executive Council or the President. Serves as Chair of the Nominating Committee to prepare each year's Executive Council elections. Serves as an advisor to the President.

Treasurer: Amy  Porter Wareham, MA, CCC-SLP

B.A. in Communication Disorders, University of Rhode Island, 1998
M.A. in Communication Sciences and Disorders, University of Maine - Orono, 2000

Current Employment

Clinical Educator and Adjunct Faculty Member, Bridgewater State University

MSHA Service History
  • Treasurer 2024 - present
What does the Treasurer do?
Responsible as the Chief Financial Officer of the organization in charge of any financial affairs, funds, securities, and valuable papers. Responsible for keeping full and accurate records. Along with the President, has banking privileges. Makes regular financial reports to the Executive Council.

Secretary: Irina McPherson, MS, CCC-SLP


B.A. in Cognitive Neuroscience, Boston University, 2003
M.S. in Speech and Hearing Sciences, Harvard-MIT Divistion of Speech, Hearing, Bisosciences and Technology, 2015
M.S. Speech-Language Pathology, MGH Institute of Health Professions, 2015

Current Employment

Speech-Language Pathologist, Haverhill Public Schools

MSHA Service History
  • Secretary 2024 - present
  • MSHA Schools Advisory Group, 2021 - present

What does the Secretary do?
Attends MSHA meetings, primarily the monthly Executive Council meetings, and records the minutes. Oversees/organizes MSHA's cloud storage platform. 

Vice President of Advocacy: Adele Raade, PhD, CCC-SLP


PhD in Speech-Language Pathology, University of Florida, 1990

Current Employment

University of St. Augustine for Health Sciences, Contributing Faculty

MSHA Service History
  • VP of Advocacy, 1/2025—present
  • Secretary, 2022-2023
  • Liaison to the Board of Registration for Speech-Language Pathology and
  • Audiology, 2021—present

    What does the Vice President of Advocacy do?

    Along with the president, establishes the Association’s Legislative Agenda for each legislative session, and coordinates with the GAC lead to carry out the Association’s legislative goals. Coordinate the grassroots advocacy efforts of the Association, to encourage members to become involved with advocacy.  Along with the President, works in conjunction with the Lobbyist relative to legislative issues. Along with the Presidential team, has sole access to the Lobbyist. Reports activities and ongoing legislative issues to members of the Executive Council at meetings and communicates with the membership via articles in the VOICE and Constant Contact blasts. Testifies on behalf of the Association at public hearings. Works with the Vice President of Higher Education and the EC's Faculty Liaisons to engage Massachusetts graduate students in advocacy efforts. Interfaces with MSHA's Liaison to Board of Registration to stay abreast of the topics of discussion in their meetings.

    Vice President of Administration: Sarah Friel, MA, CCC-SLP


    B.Sc., Speech Therapy: Royal Central School of Speech and Drama, University of London
    M.A.  Philosophy and Psychology of Language: Birkbeck College, University of London
    SLP Doctoral Student, MGHIHP (current)

    Current Employment
    Assistant professor at MGH Institute of Health Professions

      What does the Vice President of Administration do?

      Oversees the membership efforts of the Association, including efforts related to budgeting, designing and implementing projects. Works to help maintain and grow the MSHA membership.

      Vice President of Clinical Practice: Sandra Stumpf Reams, AuD, CCC-A


      B.A. in Communication Disorders, Worcester State College, 1983
      M.S. in Audiology, Washington University / Central Institute for the Deaf, 1985
      Au.D. at A.T. Still University, 2009

      Current Employment

      Spaulding Rehabilitation Hospital, Cape Cod

      MSHA Service History
      • ASHA Committe of Ambassadors for Massachusetts - Audiology, Chair, 2023
      • American Academy of Audiology Coding and Reimbursement Committee

      What does the Vice President of Clinical Practice do?
      Oversees and monitors the activity of the various Clinical Practice Advisory Groups and serves as the head of Task Forces generated by these Advisory groups. Oversees any Ad Hoc groups that MSHA deems necessary.

      Vice President of Higher Education: Meredith Finnie, MS, CCC-SLP


      B.S. in Communication Sciences and Disorders, Abilene Christian University, 2001
      M.S. in Communication Sciences and Disorders, Abeline Christian University  

      Current Employment

      Regis College - Assistant Professor and Director of Clinical Education

      What does the Vice President of Clinical Practice do?
      Interfaces with Massachusetts Graduate and Undergraduate Programs in Communication Sciences and Disorders/Speech Language Pathology/Audiology. Oversees the work of MSHA's Lead Faculty Liaisons (Boston and Outside Boston). Works to promote MSHA membership amongst faculty and students in Massachusetts graduate programs in CSD/SLP/AuD

      Vice President of Education and Planning: Ruby Miranda, MA, CCC-SLP


      B.S. in Speech-Language Pathology, Illinois State University, 1999
      M.A. in Speech-Language Pathology, New York University, 2005

      Current Employment

      Saint Joseph Rehabilitation and Nursing Center, Dorchester

      Service History
      • Site Visitor SLP Practitioner for the Council on Academic Accreditation since 2012.
      What does the Vice President of Education and Planning do?

      Plans and oversees Continuing Education efforts presented by MSHA, including live and recorded online offerings, in person events, conferences/conventions, and any other events/offerings that fall under the scope of Continuing Education. Oversees the efforts of MSHA's CE Administrator and, if one is appointed, a Conference Chair

      Vice President of Communications: Joanna Guerrero, MS, CCC-SLP


      B.A. in Communication Disorders, Boston University, 2008
      M.S. in Speech-Language Pathology, Boston University, 2010

      Current Employment

      Cape Cod Healthcare

      What does the Vice President of Education and Planning do?
      Oversees the Association’s Public Information efforts. Oversees the activities of the Webmaster and MSHA's Social Media Coordinator. Solicits articles for and prepares MSHA's quarterly publication, The VOICE, on a timely basis.

      Vision Statement

      The Massachusetts Speech-Language-Hearing Association will be recognized as an authority and resource in the fields of Audiology and Speech-Language Pathology by legislative bodies, related professional associations and consumers.

      © Massachusetts Speech-Language Hearing Association

      Quick Links

      Mailing Address

      Massachusetts Speech-Language Hearing Association
      60 Hickory Dr, Suite 6100, Waltham, MA 02451

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