To have body of individual with knowledge and expertise who can advance current practices, update information in a specific area, and delve into concerns to support members.
Each committee can have subgroups, as areas of interest arise
Any MSHA member in good standing who has some knowledge and expertise in the area selected.
Advisory groups function under the leadership of the Vice President of Clinical Practice (VPCP) and the President. The VPCP will be a member of each group but does not necessarily attend each meeting.
The Chair of each group will provide the VPCP with a calendar of scheduled meetings, summary of meetings, and other activities. The VPCP will report to the Executive Board on information provided by the advisory group Chairs.
2022 Vice President of Clinical Practice: Henry Botzum, Au.D., CCC-A,
Can be called as needed; suggested schedule at 3 regularly scheduled meetings
Smaller groups that form when Advisory Group members wish to delve more deeply into specific topics of interest. May result in guidelines, proposals, or statements that inform the Executive Board of the work completed by the group. Ad Hoc groups are short term, existing until the project is completed or terminated.
Ad Hoc Groups function under the direction of the Vice President of Clinical Practice (VPCP) and the President. The Chairs of Ad Hoc Groups will provide the VPCP and the Advisory Committee with which it is affiliated with a summary of meetings and progress toward the intended goals of the group. The VPCP will report to the Executive Board information provided by the Ad Hoc Group.
Diversity Advisory Group Ad Hoc group:
Project: Guidelines for Testing Dual-Language Learners