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The SLP’s Toolbox for Treating Selective Mutism (SM)

  • 05 Apr 2024
  • 8:30 AM - 3:15 PM
  • Zoom

The SLP's Toolbox for Treating Selective Mutism (SM)

Presented by Annie DiVello Consulting, LLC


This course seeks to empower school-based SLPs and SLAs to successfully treat students with selective mutism using an integrated team approach. The brave voice journey from home to school will be demystified as the techniques of stimulus fading & shaping are explained and demonstrated. The importance of working as a team will be emphasized & disability awareness related to SM will be explored.

Learner Objectives:

1. Explain ASHA’s position on the role of the SLP in the management of SM

2. Define the techniques “Stimulus Fading” and “Shaping”

3. Describe the process for helping students to generalize their verbal behavior into the larger school community

4. Illuminate the critical need for disability awareness for students with SM

About the Presenter:

Annie is a licensed and ASHA certified Speech-Language Pathologist. She has lived and worked across the country in West Virginia, Georgia, South Central Los Angeles, and New England. Though she has worked with many populations, Annie’s particular area of clinical interest is selective mutism. She enjoys providing trainings for school teams across the nation on the topic of SM. In New England, Annie works collaboratively with school teams to build and implement integrated “whole child” plans of support to help students with selective mutism bring their Brave Voice to school. Annie is a Selective Mutism Association State Coordinator for NH, MA, ME & VT. She is passionate about her field and about helping individuals to find their voices. Annie feels the ability to communicate is a beautiful gift and the foundation of the human connection.

For more information and to register visit the website here:

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The Massachusetts Speech-Language-Hearing Association will be recognized as an authority and resource in the fields of Audiology and Speech-Language Pathology by legislative bodies, related professional associations and consumers.

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