Telepractice Techniques for Toddlers and Very Young Children
November 10, 2022 | 3:00 PM - 4:30 PM EST
Program Fee: $20
Working with very young children via telepractice can be a challenge for many service providers. In addition to engaging materials, knowing and setting realistic expectations and getting parents or caregivers to participate is often the key to success. This course will give you some insight into ways to prepare for these sessions and achieve better outcomes in the process.
To learn more about this program, view the time-ordered agenda and register now, CLICK HERE!
Presenter Dawn Cotter - Jenkins, MA CCC-SLP, MSHI
Learner OutcomesThe participants will be able to:
1. Set Realistic Expectations with Caregivers2. Determine Characteristics Of Readiness3. Learn Components Of An Engaging Session4. Learn Self-reflection and Follow-up
This program has been approved for ASHA CEUs.
Interested in sponsoring this event? Please consider partnering with us for this worthwhile experience. If you have any questions, contact our office at 781-647-7031 or by email at
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© Massachusetts Speech-Language Hearing Association
Massachusetts Speech-Language Hearing Association 60 Hickory Dr, Suite 6100, Waltham, MA