Connecting the "Why" to the "What":
Targeted Interventions for Dysphagia Management
January 27, 2022 | 5:30 PM - 8:30 PM ET
January 29, 2022 | 12:00 PM - 3:00 PM ET
Members: $60*
Non-Members: $120
Students: $40*
*To register, members of other SLPA associations must use code: SLPAGuest
Students must use code: Student2022
Clinicians often take a “more is better” approach to dysphagia intervention – long lists of exercises, and strategies that our clients and their families can’t possibly adhere to, or interventions that don’t match the underlying diagnosis or impairment. This course will discuss potential underlying causes of dysphagia and their accompanying impairments in order to help clinicians develop targeted interventions for adults with dysphagia. Case reviews will be utilized to assist participants in identification of physiological targets for swallow treatment including breathing/swallow discoordination, delays in swallow response, and pharyngeal dysmotility among others. Assistance with development of impairment-specific strategies, exercises and compensations will be provided.
Time Ordered Agenda
Thursday January 27, 2022 (5:30 – 8:30p):
I. Introduction (5:30-5:45p)
A. Current practice patterns
B. Moving toward an impairment-based practice
II. What’s the Diagnosis? Identification of impairments specific to medical diagnose
A. 5:45-6:15p COPD, COVID 19, OSA and other Respiratory Disorders
B. 6:15-6:30p Neuromuscular Diseases
C. 6:30-6:45p Head/Neck Cancer
D. 6:45-7:00p CVA and brain injury
E. 7:00-7:15p Cervical Spine
F. 7:15-7:30p Esophageal dysphagia
G. 7:30-7:45p Dementia and Palliative Care
III. Pneumonia – Who gets it and what causes it? (7:45-8:30p)
A. 7:45-8:10p What exactly is aspiration pneumonia
B. 8:10-8:30p Risk factors for pneumonia in patients with dysphagia
Saturday Jan 29, 2022 (12:00 – 3:00p):
IV. Dietary Modifications– considering the risks as well as the benefits
A. 12:00-12:30p Texture Modifications
B. 12:30-1:00p Thickened liquids
V. Cough – what does it tell us and how can we improve it? (1:00-1:15p)
VI. Exercise and Motor Learning
A. 1:15-1:30p Principles of exercise physiology and motor learning
B. 1:30-1:50p Identification of appropriate candidates for exercise
C. 1:50-2:15p Choosing exercises by impairment
VII. Sensory interventions (2:15 – 2:30p)
A. Cold
B. Carbonation
C. Taste
VIII. Compensations – Choosing strategies based on impairments (2:30-3:00p)
Learning Objectives:
Participants will be able to...
- Identify impairments in swallow function associated with specific disease processes
- Describe three risk factors for aspiration pneumonia in adult clients with dysphagia
- Evaluate the risks and benefits of thickened liquids and texture modifications as part of a dysphagia management plan
- Describe two strategies to improve airway protection via improved cough response
- Implement swallow exercises that are specific to underlying impairments in individuals with swallow dysfunction
- Describe two potential sensory interventions to improve swallow response

About the Speaker
ANGELA MANSOLILLO, MA/CCC-SLP, BCS-S, is a Speech-Language Pathologist and Board Certified Specialist in Swallowing Disorders with more than 30 years of experience. She is currently a senior Speech-Language Pathologist at Cooley Dickinson Hospital in Northampton, Massachusetts where she provides evaluation and treatment services for adults and children with dysphagia and is involved in program planning and development for inpatient and outpatient programming including quality improvement initiatives, patient education, and clinical policies and protocols. In addition, she is an adjunct faculty member at Elms College Department of Communication Sciences and Disorders in Chicopee, Massachusetts. Over the course of her career, she has worked in a variety of clinical settings, provided numerous regional and national presentations, and lectured at several colleges and universities throughout Massachusetts. Most recently, she is the author of Let’s Eat, a clinical manual for treatment of pediatric feeding and swallowing disorders. Angela is a sought-after speaker for both live and online continuing education courses as she seamlessly blends current research with clinical experience.
Financial Disclosure: Angela receives a salary as an employee of Cooley Dickinson Hospital and as an adjunct professor at the Elms College. She receives speaking fees from Medbridge, PESI, and HCEU. She is receiving an honorarium for this presentation. Angela receives royalties and speaking fees from her book "Let's Eat".
Non-financial Disclosure: Angela is a member of ASHA and MSHA.