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APMs: Aiming for Success in Program Year 2

  • 20 Sep 2018
  • 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM
  • Online

Don't miss out on your positive payment adjustment!

This Massachusetts Health & Hospital Association webinar, in collaboration with Healthcentric Advisors, the New England Quality Innovation Network - Quality Improvement Organization, will focus on strategies to achieve success within an APM, both advanced APMs and MIPS APMs. With APM organizations implementing methods to increase patient engagement, achieve process efficiency, and improve quality improvement, join this webinar to ensure your organization is prepared for reporting and put the final touches on your organization's plan. Content will be directed at physician executives and Medicare ACO leaders. Brief discussion of the 2019 Proposed Rule changes for APMs will be included.

Upon completion of this webinar, participants will be able to:

  • Understand programmatic reporting requirements;
  • Identify ways in which to ensure all participants are prepared; and
  • Determine methods for increasing both patient and clinician engagement as a means for sustained success.
Click here to register!

If you have any questions about this event, please contact Kate Crump at or 781-287-9150.

Note: This session is intended for physicians, non-physician providers, support staff, office managers, practice administrators and any professional planning to report QPP data for performance year 2018.

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Massachusetts Speech-Language Hearing Association
60 Hickory Dr, Suite 6100, Waltham, MA 02451

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