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"Thinking About YOU Thinking About Me", "Implementing Social Thinking Concepts and Vocabulary: A Day to Develop Team Creativity" (kinder - young adult) & "Social Detective, Superflex, and Friends Take on Social Emotional Learning" (kinder - 8th grade)

  • 09 Mar 2016
  • 11 Mar 2016
  • Sheraton Hartford South - 100 Capital Blvd. Rocky Hill, CT 06067

Wednesday, March 9th

Thinking About YOU Thinking About Me (kinder - young adult)

We answer the question: What are a person's core social learning challenges and how can we help? Deepen your understanding of an individual's social mind using the Social Thinking Social Communication Profile. With the help of video clips we uncover different levels of perspective taking, executive functioning and central coherence. Discover strategies to help each type of learner improve his or her social interpretation, social skills, reading comprehension and written expression. Learn about the Four Steps of Communication and how to use social media to teach its concepts. All information can strengthen treatment* plans and can be used in the home, school and community.

What You Will Learn

  1. Define what "perspective taking" means and how it impacts academic learning as well as social communication.
  2. Define at least four different levels of the Social Thinking-Social Communication Profile.
  3. Explain why some treatment programs work for a particular level of ST-SCP functioning and are not as effective with another functioning level.
  4. Explain why social observation is critical for interpreting language.
  5. List the four steps involved in developing social communication skills.
  6. Describe a treatment activity that aligns with each of the four steps above.
Thursday, March 10th
Implementing Social Thinking Concepts and Vocabulary: A Day to Develop Team Creativity
Learn over 25 unique Social Thinking concepts and vocabulary! Help individuals advance their ability to understand the social context and tailor their behaviors accordingly. Help others improve their social observational skills, how they work in a group, share an imagination, understand what it means to be a "Just Me" versus "Thinking of Others" person, and relate more effectively with language. Discover tools for teaching self-regulation, executive functioning, emotional understanding and theory of mind/perspective taking. Work in teams to develop lesson plans to implement new strategies in your home, clinic, or classroom the very next day. People love this hands-on, engaging workshop!

What You Will Learn

  1. Describe why the context or situation is key for figuring out social expectations and related social skills.
  2. Describe the core five steps of Social Behavior Mapping to help teach social responsibility.
  3. Define at least five Social Thinking Vocabulary concepts.
  4. Describe how Social Thinking Vocabulary concepts facilitate generalization across settings.
  5. Describe the difference between sharing an imagination and a singular imagination as these relate to conversations and reading comprehension.
  6. Using one or more of the strategies reviewed in the workshop, describe what you can do differently with your student tomorrow.
Friday, March 11th
Social Detective, Superflex®, and Friends Take On Social Emotional Learning( kinder - 8th grade)

You've asked for this day! Learn how to effectively use two of our key teaching materials: our award-winning first book in the Superflex series, You are a Social Detective! and our Superflex Curriculum to boost social awareness, social learning, and self-regulation. Lessons support Social and Emotional Learning, Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports, and Response to Intervention. These books are designed for elementary school-age children, but we explain how to modify them for use with slightly older and younger kids. Interactive, creative group activities abound in this conference to help our kids transform from 'Me' thinkers to 'We' thinkers!

What You Will Learn

  1. Define the concept of 'hidden rules' and its importance for self-monitoring and behavioral regulation.
  2. Explain why we modify the Superflex Curriculum for K-2nd graders so that they are not asked to defeat their Unthinkables.
  3. Describe how Superflex teaches self-awareness, self-monitoring and self-control to 3rd-5th graders.
  4. Explain how Superflex's Five Point Power Plan helps to foster deeper social learning for 3-5th graders.
  5. Explain how You are a Social Detective! and Superflex can be used in social-academic lessons that relate to the Common Core/State Standards (e.g. Speaking and Listening, Reading Literature and Writing) for all elementary school grades.
  6. Describe how using Social Thinking Vocabulary with all students (school wide), and using the curricula You are A Social Detective and Superflex help to forward the mission of Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS).

Continuing Education Available - to learn more and register, click here.

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Massachusetts Speech-Language Hearing Association
60 Hickory Dr, Suite 6100, Waltham, MA 02451

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