This course will demonstrate innovative treatment protocols, materials and technology based tools that exploit neuroplasticity to enhanced clinical skills and assist in the integration of existing scientific evidence and patient values into aphasia rehabilitation. It will include the demonstration of and participation in real-time distance therapy (telepractice) and demonstration of videos. Techniques to implement clinical, formative assessment and to facilitate data collection will be presented as well as smart ways to address weaknesses in the cognitive underpinnings for language recovery such as verbal working memory, flexibility of thought, problem solving and attention skills. Areas of focus may also include treatments specific to: initiating self reliance and independent practice; training coaches; apraxia; auditory comprehension; alexia; letter by letter reading; agraphia; keyboarding; verbal working memory; attention; cost-benefit of intensive aphasia treatment; critical elements of acute vs. ongoing treatment; use of groups; and working with younger-generation clients with aphasia. The workshop is appropriate for all clinicians of all experiential levels including those focusing on school-age children.
Bill Connors, SLP, CCC, specializes in combining technology, neuroscience and learning theory with current evidence and research to advance the treatment of aphasia and related disorders. He graduated from the University of Pittsburgh with an M.A. in Speech-Language Pathology and had post-graduate study at the Rochester Institute of Technology. He founded the Pittsburgh Aphasia Treatment, Research and Education Center in 1999 in collaboration with Dr. Malcolm McNeil and Dr. Patrick Doyle. In 2005, he founded in order to provide speech/language treatment to clients world-wide using video-conferencing, collaboration with SLP’s, and tools designed particularly foronline and exploitation of neural plasticity. He is a clinical instructor for the Department of Communication Disorders and Sciences at the University of Pittsburgh and served as chairperson of the 17-hospital University of Pittsburgh Medical Center SLP Committee. He has assisted on numerous research studies in the assessment and treatment of aphasia and related disorders. Bill is astate representative and member of the Multicultural Task Force for the National Aphasia Association and a member of the Advisory Board at He has presented at numerous state, national and international conferences.
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© Massachusetts Speech-Language Hearing Association
Massachusetts Speech-Language Hearing Association 60 Hickory Dr, Suite 6100, Waltham, MA